June 15, 2008

We're back from vacation!

And I am sporting some serious Lena Horne. It turns out my #2 tans even faster than I do so if you happen to see a 16 month old toddling around Brooklyn with the brownest little limbs you've ever seen on a half-Asian, please don't judge me - I've gone through five bottles of sunscreen in eight days and apparently with us, you have to sunscreen our genes (My husband and #1 though apparently have yang-ban genes, they have a nice golden glow but nothing that shouts out eight days of weak ozone layers.)

Hope everyone is having a good start to their summers!

posted at 11:17 PM by jenn

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06/17/08 11:35 AM

I was the same way when I was little. In pictures of me at age 4 - 7, I could have been a little Latino child, not half-Korean. My mom would brown up too in the summers, from being outdoors. Yeah, too bad about the ozone.

06/18/08 10:47 PM

I have some wierd spotty genes apparently.

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